Who We Serve

Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management offers deep knowledge to assist individuals and families planning for or currently in retirement. We primarily serve those who have spent a lifetime accumulating their wealth and now wish to oversee, safeguard, and enjoy it during their retirement years.

For clients nearing the end of their working lives or those recently retired, we craft tailored solutions that address the financial shifts that come with retirement. This includes strategic cash management, enhancing retirement income, and securing a durable legacy. Our team is committed to understanding each client's personal story and crafting strategies that align with their financial objectives and retirement lifestyle goals.

Our clientele

We serve a diverse range of clients, many of whom are preparing for or already in retirement:

Physicians, Attorneys, and Other Professionals

Retired professionals, including physicians and attorneys, face distinct financial shifts when transitioning from active careers to retirement. We offer guidance on investment management, tax reduction, and healthcare planning. Our aim is to help retirees sustain a comfortable lifestyle while protecting their financial security.

Business Owners

For business owners approaching retirement, developing personalized financial plans is essential. We engage closely with our clients to understand their business's development stages, including planning for succession. Our focus is to enhance your business’s financial stability and support a smooth transition, whether it involves selling or handing over the business.


Executives facing retirement often confront distinctive challenges, especially when it comes to optimizing executive compensation packages for enhanced retirement benefits. At Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management, we offer tailored advice that enables executives to fully utilize their compensation arrangements. This involves careful planning around stock options, bonuses, and other elements of compensation that influence long-term financial stability. Our strategy helps ensure these benefits are in line with your retirement objectives, facilitating a smooth transition to retirement. This advice is vital for executives who need to manage the complexities of their financial situations as they move towards a new phase in their lives.

Beyond serving retirees and those close to retirement, we also support clients at different stages of wealth creation and preservation. By meeting the diverse financial requirements of our clients, whether they are accumulating, overseeing, or safeguarding their wealth, we provide the thorough support necessary for their financial success.

This strategy maintains our focus on retirees and soon-to-be retirees while also meeting the needs of a wider client base, ensuring a well-rounded approach that covers various life phases and professional paths.

Different Clientele, Different Needs

At Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management, our commitment is to support our clients who are preparing for or have entered retirement, aiming to boost their financial security during these years.

These clients seek an advisor who:

Takes time to understand their values, financial goals, and objectives

Building trust-based relationships is a priority for us. We invest time to deeply understand our clients' values, financial ambitions, and life situations. This comprehensive understanding allows us to create tailored strategies that align with their goals, laying a solid foundation for our advisory services and helping clients meet their financial objectives.

Offers investment management strategies

We offer various investment management methods suited to the individual needs of each client, especially those transitioning into retirement. Whether clients are focused on asset growth, income, or capital preservation, our strategies are designed to balance return optimization with risk control. Customized to fit individual risk tolerances and financial goals, our strategies support each client's broader financial plan.

Has managed clients’ money through several market and economic cycles

Our experience shows strong performance in managing investments across different economic conditions. Our disciplined approach to investment and strategic risk management allows us to adjust portfolios to capitalize on market highs and safeguard against lows. This strategy aims to maintain the stability of our clients' investments during market fluctuations and optimize longterm growth.

Works collaboratively with other professional advisors

Effective financial planning benefits from integrating multiple areas of experience. We work closely with legal advisors, CPAs, and other specialists to develop comprehensive financial strategies. This cooperation enhances the quality of our planning and helps ensure that all elements of our clients' financial health are well-coordinated, resulting in a comprehensive strategy that covers legal, tax, and investment needs.

Takes a prudent approach to risk management

Our priority is the protection of our clients' wealth. Our risk management process starts with a thorough evaluation of potential risks, followed by the application of strategies specifically designed to reduce these risks. This careful approach is crucial for guarding against financial uncertainties and helps by preserving the longevity and stability of our clients' assets. Clients can trust that their financial health is meticulously safeguarded and managed with care.

Gives timely and honest advice and will be a fiduciary for my family on every account

Transparency and integrity are at the heart of our service philosophy. We are committed to offering clear, straightforward, and timely advice, tailored to the needs of our clients. As fiduciaries, we are dedicated to acting in the utmost interests of our clients at all times, which includes aligning our advice closely with their financial objectives and delivering guidance that is both knowledgeable and honest. Our role is to offer not just advice but a partnership that respects and values their trust, helping them to achieve their financial goals.

At Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management, we strive to deliver exemplary service characterized by ethical conduct and high standards. Our tailored approach helps ensure each client is well-prepared to transition into retirement confidently and securely.