Asset Protection Strategies to Help You Safeguard Your Financial Future

Financial stability is essential for a fulfilling life. However, unexpected events and legal issues can pose risks to your assets. Asset protection refers to the actions you take to safeguard your possessions from potential creditors, legal claims, and unforeseen events.

What are Assets?

Assets are items of monetary value that you own. These can range from:

Cash and bank accountsInvestments (stocks, bonds, mutual funds)Properties (homes, vacation spots, rental units)Retirement savings (IRAs, 401(k)s)Personal items (cars, jewelry, art)Business holdings

Why Consider Asset Protection Strategies?

Building wealth is vital, but protecting it is crucial. Here are reasons to consider asset protection:

  • Lawsuit Protection: Lawsuits, whether from accidents, business conflicts, or professional errors, can endanger your finances. A robust asset protection plan can help safeguard against losing everything in legal judgments.

  • Shielding from Creditors: If you face challenges repaying debts, creditors might take legal steps to claim your assets. Asset protection can help complicate their efforts to recover debts, offering you a chance to regain financial stability.

  • Divorce Planning: During a divorce, asset protection can aid in an equitable and stable distribution of wealth, reducing stress and financial strain.

  • Long-Term Care Planning: Long-term care expenses can drain your resources. Asset protection can aid in securing eligibility for governmental aid programs while preserving your financial foundation for later years.

Common Asset Protection Strategies

There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for asset protection. However, several effective strategies can be implemented to safeguard your financial future. Here's an overview of some of the most common approaches:

  • Limited Liability Companies (LLCs): Establishing a Limited Liability Company for business operations can segregate personal and business finances. This separation typically helps in keeping personal assets secure against business-related legal challenges.

  • Strategic Use of Trusts: These legal entities assign asset management to a trustee for the beneficiaries' advantage. Diverse trust forms exist, with irrevocable trusts notably excluding assets from your personal estate, helping to shield them from creditor access.

  • Prenuptial Agreements: Contracts established before marriage, known as prenups, outline asset and debt distribution if the marriage dissolves. Despite the delicacy of the subject, prenups can assist in solidifying financial transparency and safeguarding for partners.

  • Homestead Exemptions: Many states enforce homestead exemptions, which guard a segment of your home’s value from creditor claims, providing financial defense.

  • Life Insurance with Beneficiary Designations: Allocating life insurance proceeds to chosen beneficiaries can offer them financial support upon your demise. This strategic beneficiary designation helps these assets to elude the probate process and creditor claims, ensuring direct benefit to your heirs.

Important Considerations: Tailoring Asset Protection to Your Needs

Asset preservation requires a customized approach. Consulting with financial and legal professionals is essential to identify the most effective strategy for your situation. Consider these factors in your asset preservation planning:

Your financial status and objectives. Whether you have a young family, are approaching retirement, or manage a business, understanding your financial context is vital for devising a suitable plan.The type and value of your assets. Your asset portfolio will guide the selection of appropriate protection mechanisms.Risks to your assets. Anticipate potential challenges like legal actions, creditor demands, or health-related expenses.Legal environment. Asset protection laws differ across regions, necessitating advice from professionals versed in the laws applicable to your locale.

Potential Benefits of Consulting with a Financial Advisor

A competent financial advisor is invaluable in formulating a personalized asset protection strategy. Here's how a financial advisor can assist you:

  • Evaluation of your risk factors. Advisors evaluate your finances and lifestyle to pinpoint asset vulnerabilities.

  • Explanation of different asset protection strategies. They detail the advantages and drawbacks of different asset protection methods, aiding in selecting those that match your objectives and risk comfort.

  • Advice on the legal and tax implications of various strategies. Advisors clarify the legal and tax nuances of asset protection strategies, helping to ensure your plan adheres to regulations.

  • Development of a plan that aligns with your financial goals. They integrate asset protection with your broader financial ambitions, crafting a strategy that will help defend your wealth and support your future financial goals.

Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management: Your Partner in Asset Protection

Landsberg Bennett Private Wealth Management is committed to safeguarding your financial well-being. Our experienced team, including financial advisors and legal professionals, works closely with you to customize an asset preservation strategy that aligns with your specific needs and objectives.

We provide a thorough service in asset protection, encompassing:

  • Detailed financial assessments to uncover risk factors.

  • Examination of different asset protection avenues.

  • Insights into the legal and tax ramifications of various choices.

  • Execution and continuous oversight of your asset protection strategy.


Forbes’ Best in State Wealth Advisors (Michael W. Landsberg)*

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018

Forbes’ Best in State Wealth Advisors (Lew Bennett)*

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021


America’s Top Advisor Ranking (Michael W. Landsberg)*

2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010

*Barron’s annual rankings are based on assets under management, revenue generated by advisors for their firms, and the quality of their practices. Investment performance isn’t an explicit criterion, because it is often a function of each client’s appetite for risk. In our evaluations, we examine regulatory records, internal company documents, and 100-plus data points provided by the advisors themselves.

The Forbes ranking of Best-In-State Wealth Advisors, developed by SHOOK Research, is based on an algorithm of qualitative criteria, mostly gained through telephone and in-person due diligence interviews, and quantitative data. Those advisors that are considered have a minimum of seven years’ experience, and the algorithm weights factors like revenue trends, assets under management, compliance records, industry experience and those that encompass best practices in their practices and approach to working with clients. Portfolio performance is not a criteria due to varying client objectives and lack of audited data. Neither Forbes or SHOOK receive a fee in exchange for rankings.

Contact Us Today: Schedule a No-Cost Consultation

Discover how we can assist in fortifying your financial future. Reach out to Landsberg Bennett to arrange a no-charge consultation with our financial advisor, and learn about the advantages of our asset protection offerings.